The March Hare Insanity

The Residence
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Ja Ja Sister Hood
F*** OFF!
Doodle This!?!
Yo She!

Simple Facts of Life

This is the hard life. Of a New Jersey girl. Dealings of the everyday stresses and the not so everyday people. Most names are edited out for privacy reasons. Also so that no one gets their panties stuck in their butt cracks. There will be some mild language and nudity links at times. This site is not ment for childeren or the immature 'teenagers'. Though she is one, this doesn't mean everyone else must see this. Please hold all hate mail. Thank you.


Gonna mark me? Or you gonna be nosey?

Don't ask why I bothered to snag these... >.> It used to be an obsession when I was a rug rat... >_> Steal them (or any of my shit) I will be forced to keeel yeeeew. KTHX. <3 And I will continue to add them as they hatch... cause... lets face it... i'm a kid that way...

This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on December 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on December 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on December 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on December 1, 2005! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on October 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on October 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on October 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on October 1, 2005! Adopt one today!This egg hatches on October 1, 2005! Adopt one today!

Well...something is bound to wind up here too. --;; I've not really stuck anything anywhere as of late. Besides the vibrator in meh arse, but this is not a topic which I care to discuss on the web site. >(


REPOST THIS. Living creatures are suffering for your comfort. If You pass on any chain mail, I hope you pass on this one.

No one cares about your middle name, or what you did in 2005 or stupid stories that involve killers in the night.

This is wrong to the highest level. Please help spread awareness of the animals that go through testing. It is not right and should be stopped. For more info, visit the PETA website at The following images are of animals that have been used for consumer product testing. They are graphic. fuck your sweet atreyu hair and bleeding through make up you fucking pussies! get a life. hope your eyes burn out next time youre putting that eyeliner to your stupid face. If you have a heart you'll repost this.

Coming soon to a Porno near you ---

Chesire Updates


A while back, she had launched a freewebs website. Simple, sweet and to the point. While she had a few visitors, even some regulars that checked up on her, some began to take things a little too far. Her online onpage and on sight journal was taken personal and to heart in some cases. People began to use it against her, and eventually, the fires of passions turned to distrust. She closed her page down and vowed not to start it again. A little later, fed up with the typical web page, she is now trying something a little different. But this time. She hopes people will understand that what is done... Is done and there is no turning back. Her thoughts and writings are all her own. Not to be picked apart and used against her. If she has a problem with someone... it's a relief for her to say something... Not directly, but something to take the pressure away.

Basicly. Anything here, is not to be used against her. Basicly this is a sanity managment. If someone doesn't like whats up here, deal with it and gripe on your own time. Don't ruin the pages and her life by confronting everyone about it. Life sucks ass, just enjoy it while it lasts.

'Chu name?:
3m@!l plz?:
Leave a mark?:

Copy righted to the owner of the site.